Slate [SportsTech Match Vendor Showcase]

SportsTech Match
2 min readJul 8, 2021

Company name: Slate

Year founded: 2019

Company elevator pitch: Social media has dramatically become more complex for brands, with more formats (ie stories, short-form video) and platforms (ie TikTok, Shorts) to support. It’s near impossible for brands today to keep up in creating content that’s not just unique and timely, but also on brand. Slate allows a brand to produce quality social content in seconds for all platforms and formats. Our team is made of former content creators at the NFL, 49ers, and Chiefs that felt this pain point firsthand.

Name of the solution you are showcasing in this post: Slate

What problem is your solution solving?: When creating content, brands are forced to settle with native, off-brand elements in platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, & TikTok that include stock fonts, colors, and public overlays that are meant for the mass consumer not for the enterprise creator. A brand’s social content that’s either off-brand or uses generic assets is not just less engaging and less brand-recognizable to consumers but it’s also less monetizable to sponsors.

What makes your solution unique?: Slate allows brands to ensure consistency across social media, while speeding up workflows and collaboration by providing a web and mobile app that delivers on-brand content creation. Slate is unique in that we are exclusively focused on a customized, controlled, brand experience. Other platforms are filled with stock assets geared towards use by individuals & SMBs, but irrelevant to enterprise brands.

What area of sports tech is exciting you most?: Live data and analytics during sporting events has improved immensely. We’re incredibly excited to explore how this can improve how social media team’s create content in real-time and what fans consume at home.

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About SportsTech Match:

SportsTech Match was founded in 2020 and aims to simplify the procurement of sports technology solutions. Sports organisations at all levels can search and discover approved solutions and vendors can sign up to get their solutions approved and listed today for free — the first 100 vendors to sign up will be showcased on our blog. Check out our blog for updates on our product plans.

